The information board at the base of the plant reads "Citron
- Citrus medica. Unlike the other citrus which you peel to get at the
juicy bits, this huge fruit
is predominantly rind and pith or 'albedo'. This is widely used in
the food industry as candied peel and the market is rising in the USA
the soluble fibre found within the albedo".
Throughout human history the Citron has had a different use, that
of a medicinal plant. It was used to combat seasickness, pulmonary troubles,
intestinal ailments and other disorders.
Citron juice with wine was considered an effective purgative to clean
the system of poison. In India, the peel is a remedy for dysentery. The
distilled juice is given as a sedative. The candied peel is sold in China
as a stimulant, expectorant and tonic. In West Tropical Africa, the citron
is used only as a medicine, against rheumatism. In Malaya, a decoction
of the fruit is taken to drive off evil spirits. In Panama, they are
ground up and combined with other ingredients and given as an antidote
for poison. The essential oil of the peel is regarded as an antibiotic.
(Morton, J. 1987. Fruits of Warm Climates.) |