Latin name - Boloria selene
Flight period - May to June
Wingspan 3.5 to 4.4 cm, 1.38 to 1.73 inch.
The Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary is an orange butterfly with black
marks on the upperside of the wings. Similar in appearance to the Pearl-bordered
Fritillary, they are most easily distinguished by their undersides. Both
species have the 7 white "pearls" running along the edge of
the hindwing but the rest is quite different. The Pearl-bordered Fritillary
exhibits 2 very distinct additional "pearls", whereas the Small
Pearl-bordered Fritillary has a mozaic of white, oranges and browns and,
as such, has the more colourful underside. It occupies a diverse range
of habitats including woodland glades, grassland, heath, moorland and
coastal cliffs. Breeding in damp conditions, the caterpillar feeds on
violets, typically Common Dog-violet and Marsh Violet.