Scientific name: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Long thought to have been introduced to Britain by the Normans in the
12th century AD, an archaeological dig in Norfolk uncovered the remains
of a 2,000-year-old rabbit proving, what many historians have always thought,
that the first rabbits were introduced to this country by the Romans.
Rabbits came originally from south west Europe and north-west Africa but
are very adaptable and are so successful that they are considered to be
a pest. There are an estimated 38 million rabbits in the UK causing an
estimated £100million of damage to crops every year. They have compact
bodies with long hind legs, grey/brown fur, white under parts and a short
white tail. They can be found in grassland, cultivated land, grassy coastal
cliffs and woodland. Wild rabbits are gregarious and a couple of hundred
individuals may be found in one warren (a network of underground burrows).
They are active during dusk and dawn, but will also come out during the
day in undisturbed areas.