Latin name - Columba palumbus
The Wood Pigeon is Europe's largest pigeon and is the most common pigeon
found in the United Kingdom. Both sexes are similar with plump bodies
and small heads. They are largely grey but have pink breasts and white,
purple and green neck patches. There is a dark band on the tail and white
wing bars, conspicuous in flight. Once a bird of deciduous woodland, the
Wood Pigeon extended its range across open farmland nesting in hedges
and small copses and becoming a serious farmland pest, feeding not only
on grain but on other crops such as peas and sprouts. It has successfully
invaded town parks and city gardens and will happily visit bird tables.
Because of their mainly vegetable diet they drink a lot as they do not
get sufficient moisture from their food unlike birds who take insects,
earthworms etc. They feed their young on what is commonly known as 'pigeon's
milk' which is a fluid manufactured in the adult's crop. The young lack
the white neck patch and are duller and browner. When disturbed they crash
out of cover clapping their wings louder. |