Latin name - Oenanthe oenanthe
Wheatears are summer visitors to the United Kingdom having spent the
winter south of the Sahara desert in Africa. Some make amazing journeys;
from Africa to breeding grounds in Greenland, while others fly across
Asia and nest in Alaska. Those that nest here in the United Kingdom breed
mostly in the west and north though a few nest in south-east England.
It can often be seen around the coast of Devon and Cornwall and on the
moors. It prefers pasture land which has been grazed where it finds its
food of insects and larvae. It is an attractive bird especially the males
with their spring plumage of blue-grey backs, sandy coloured chest and
black eye masks. Females and juveniles are paler with browner upper-parts
and usually lack the dark eye patch. They all possess a short black tail
which has an inverted black T shape which contrasts with a white rump. |