Latin name - Passer domesticus
House Sparrows, so long a common sight in the cities and towns of the
United Kingdom, are facing a serious decline in their numbers. We are
lucky because our local population seems to be increasing over the last
3 years with many more successful nest sites each year. The sexes are
different in appearance with the male having a grey crown, brown and black
streaked upper-parts, grey rump and under-parts, black throat and dull
white cheeks, black bib, white wing bars and a black eye stripe. The female
is much paler, more a dull brown without the grey crown, white cheeks,
black bib or eye stripe; young sparrows closely resemble female sparrows.
The House Sparrow eats a wide range of foods and will take almost anything
you put out for it, perhaps the reason for their successful breeding in
our local gardens. |