Latin name - Corvus frugilegus
A member of the Crow (Corvid) Family its bare, greyish-white face, thinner
beak and peaked head make it distinguishable from the Carrion crow. Rooks
are very sociable birds often forming very large flocks. They are also
communal breeders, nesting in colonies known as rookeries. Nests are built
high in the trees and made of twigs and branches. Rooks form life-long
partnerships, called pairbonds. Rook pairs spend a lot of time close together,
feeding one another, displaying and vocalising together and preening.
Rooks will eat almost anything, including worms, grain, nuts and insects,
small mammals, birds (especially eggs and nestlings) and carrion. Rooks,
compared to other corvids, are tolerant of other species feeding with
them, especially Jackdaws. |