Latin Name - Turdus pilaris
Large, colourful thrushes, Fieldfares are winter visitors to Great Britain,
arriving from Scandinavia from October onwards and remaining until March
or May. A little smaller than a Mistle Thrush; they have a chestnut-brown
back, an orange-yellow breast speckled with black, a black tail, dark
wings and a blue-grey rump and head. The song of the Fieldfare is a medley
of whistles and "chacks", often heard as they fly over during
the winter.
They stay in flocks ranging in numbers from a dozen or two to several
hundred; often joined by Redwings. These flocks roam the countryside and
may come into gardens in severe winters. They feed on worms, snails, insects,
berries and are fond of windfall fruit especially apples. Hawthorn hedges
with berries are a favourite feeding area.