Latin name - Prunella modularis
Also known as the Hedge sparrow (although not in fact a sparrow at all),
the Dunnock is a small, quiet and unobtrusive bird. Both sexes are alike,
slightly smaller and slimmer than a House Sparrow it appears to be a small
brown bird. Closer inspection reveal a blue-grey head and breast, brown
upper-parts, neatly streaked with black, and pink legs. The young have
brown streaks on the head and chest instead of grey. It likes heavy cover
such as hedges, thickets, edges of wood and scrub. It is a ground feeder
and often visits gardens where it will pick up the crumbs beneath a bird
feeder table. The hen bird builds a cup-shaped nest from twigs and moss,
usually in dense shrubs and trees. Cuckoos often lay their eggs in a Dunnock
nest. |