Latin Name - Cinclus cinclus
Dippers are invariably associated with water, usually fast-flowing streams
and rivers in upland areas. They feed on a wide range of aquatic invertebrates
and fish which they catch by both diving and swimming under water and
also, remarkably, by walking along the bottom of fast running rivers searching
for prey between and beneath stones and debris. To do so they have sharp
claws to enable them to hold onto rocks in swift water. To swim underwater
their wings are relatively short but strongly muscled enabling their use
as flippers underwater. It is a short-tailed, plump bird that appears
to be black with a white throat and breast. Actually both sexes have dark
grey-brown wings, back and tail with a reddish-brown head. The common
name Dippers was given for the bobbing and dipping movements they make
whilst perched on riverside rocks. Dipper nests are usually large, round,
domed structures made of moss, with an internal cup of grass and rootlets
with a wide entrance usually pointing down towards water. Nest sites are
traditional, and are used by successive generations of birds. One site
is said to have been used continuously for 123 years. The nest may be
built in any suitable site within the territory, but it is traditionally
located in a natural crevice in a stream-side cave or waterfall, although
the birds readily take to cracks in man-made alternatives such as bridges,
walls, weirs and culverts.