Latin name - Actitis hypoleucus
The common sandpiper is a smallish wading bird which breeds along fast-moving
rivers and near lakes, lochs and reservoirs in Scotland, Wales, Northern
Ireland and the north of England. In winter it may be seen along the south
coast. On its spring and autumn passage, the common sandpiper can be found
elsewhere in the UK, near any freshwater areas and on some estuaries.
It bobs up and down when standing, known as 'teetering', and has a distinctive,
stiff-winged flight. Its presence is often betrayed by its three-note
call which it gives as it flies off. Common sandpipers are green-brown
above with a bright white belly and they show a brown rump and strong
white wingbars when they fly. They have a white eye-ring, a shortish,
straight bill and the legs are greenish-grey. They eat insects , worms
and molluscs. |