Latin name - Streptopelia decaocto
The Collared Dove is smaller than a Wood Pigeon with a long tail, buffy-pink
plummage and a black neck collar from which it derives its name; this
is missing in young birds. The Collared Dove is one of our most common
birds, usually associated with man - farms, gardens and parks. Incredibly
it did not start breeding in Great Britain until 1955 after a rapid spread
across Europe. Feeding mainly on seeds and grain, its cooing has become
a familar sound in the countryside but is absent on the moors. Usually
seen on its in own or in pairs (as in this photograph), it has a long
breeding season streching from March to October. The parents usually stay
in the same area while the young move to new territories which, together
with its breeding season, helps to explain its rapid spread across the
country from its original breeding site in Norfolk. The nest is a a flimsy
platform of twigs in a tree and both parents incubate the eggs and feed
the nestlings on 'crop milk'. |